deep ambient
Albums scraped2021-12-11T16:26:49.604Z
Last updated2022-02-11T06:17:06.596Z
Released at
80Mundanes - kids: dying in this endless oil war is totally "da bomb"!!1980
48Robert Rich - Drones1983
30Robert Rich - Inner Landscapes1988
27Patrick O'Hearn - Indigo1991
93Klaus Wiese - Cosmic Glue1991
54Chris Spheeris - Passage1993
70Tuu - All Our Ancestors1994
47Ataraxia - Concerto No. 6: A Baroque Plaisanterie1996
1Saafi Brothers - Mystic Cigarettes1997-11
5Various Artists - Intelligent Toys 4 (Sutemos019)1997
18Pan•American - Pan•American1997
45Robert Rich & Alio Die - Fissures1997
55Robert Rich - Below Zero1998
60Oöphoi - The Spirals of Time1998
98Ataraxia - Historiae1998
2Various Artists - Bliminal1999-02-19
89Ataraxia - Odos Eis Ouranon1999
10Workbench - Antistatic2001-01-01
72Numina - Evolving Visions2001-04
40Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Blood Machine2001
46SILENTWATCHER - Deep Space2001
50Sleep Research Facility - Nostromo2001
83Badmarsh & Shri - Signs2001
91Solaris - Spirit Catcher2001
41Ataraxia - Mon Seul Désir2002-02-18
19Oöphoi - Bardo2002
13Ataraxia - Des Paroles Blanches2003
75I.corax - from gOLDem flesh to silverb ONE2003
79Brannan Lane - Sampler2003
59Adam Beebe - unlistenable music2004-02-29
20Ataraxia - Saphir2004-04-14
58Erik Wøllo - Blue Sky, Red Guitars2004-10-05
7Oöphoi - Mare Tranquillitatis2004
8The Silk Demise - the silk demise2004
36Workbench - detour2004
38Klaus Wiese - Dunya2004
64Oöphoi - Three Lights at the End of the World2004
62Oöphoi - Hymns to a Silent Sky2005-05-25
21Robert Rich - Echo of Small Things2005-05
69Patrick O'Hearn - Slow Time2005-06-25
51Hammock - Stranded Under Endless Sky2005-07-16
81Doc & Lena Selyanina - Distant Transmissions2005-07-26
99Doc & Lena Selyanina - An Island of Joy2005-11-06
6Hammock - The Sleepover Series, Vol. 12005-11
76Alio Die & Festina Lente - Il sogno di un piano veneziano a Parigi2005-12
68Ataraxia - Arcana Eco2005
23Doc & Lena Selyanina - Noble, Sentimental & Ambient Waltzes2006-03-21
96Chris Herbert - mezzotint2006-09-18
29AURAH - Kismet2006
49Askura Alexander Shkuratov - ROVING THOUGHTS2006
17Doc & Lena Selyanina - Echoes from an Engulfed Cathedral2007-01-15
57Ataraxia - Sous Le Blanc Rosier2007-02
85Deepspace - The Barometric Sea2007-02
86Aural Holograms - Vol. I2007-04-06
71Saafi Brothers - Supernatural2007-05-21
63Goloka - Afterglow2007-06-19
94Hall Of Mirrors - Reflections On Black2007-07-07
3Evan Bartholomew - Caverns of Time2007-11-16
53False Mirror - North2007-11-21
22Miika Kuisma - Sententia2007-12-07
28Doc & Lena Selyanina - Nangilima2007-12-12
14Pianochocolate - Pianochocolate - Morning Coffee (2008)2008-00-00
44Irezumi - Endurance2008-02-20
88Blackfilm - Blackfilm2008-04
42Celer - Discourses Of The Withered2008-07-22
33Robert Rich & Faryus - Zerkalo2008-09-08
74Fabio Orsi - Audio for Lovers2008-09
67Deepspace - The Glittering Domain2009-01-01
34Celer - Capri2009-02-16
26Deepspace - World Ocean Atlas2009-09-12
77Arc Of Doves - The Lights2010-06-10
90Celer - Dying Star2010-08
4AUN - Black Pyramid2010-10-01
100Le Berger - Expeditions on the Grayscale (one tiny, two medium and a grand one)2010-12-28
82Klaus Wiese - Vision2010
35Deep-pression - Postmortem2011-01-19
9Deaf Center - Owl Splinters2011-02-10
15Loscil - Coast/Range/Arc2011-04-01
16Lattice - Of Luminous Things...2011-04-20
78ElectricOkra - ClaireRocket2011-06-07
84Lattice - Self Inside2011-07-19
92Mealann - Der Wanderer2011-08-31
87Mealann - Der Einsiedler2011-12-07
43South American Beauty Culture - South American Beauty Culture2011
95Mealann - Eine Dunkle Seele2012-02-04
66Moonshine Blues - Through2012-06-07
97Mealann - ...von Stille und Ewigkeit2012-06-28
11Cyclobe - Sulphur-Tarot-Garden2012-08-04
52Oöphoi & Ran Kirlian - The Physics of Heaven2013-04-20
24Miktek - Elsewhere2013-05-30
39Bluetech - Dreaming Into Being2013-09
12Jeff Woodall - Free Diving2014-07-02
37Jeff Woodall - Seventh Heaven2014-07-02
73Endless Melancholy - Fragile2014-10-21
65Endless Melancholy - Ambermixes2015-01-21
25Irezumi - Thirty2016-01-04
61Robert Rich - Illumination2016-09-05
32Solar-Wind - Mind Traveller2016
31ASC - Trans-Neptunian Objects 22017-06-23
56Solaris - Solar NRG2021-11-19